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My name is Maggie and I want to be Burquest Jewish Community Association's next Board President.  


Learn more about me and my ideas for the community below

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My Story

Born in Kiev, Ukraine I moved with my family to Israel in 1990 at the age of 7. I did all my schooling in Israel and volunteered all through high school with those less fortunate. In the army, I served as an immigrant affairs officer, working on cross-cultural events across national bases. 


Upon completing my army service I was selected by the Jewish Federation to serve as a "Shlicha" at a Jewish Summer Camp in the US. I spent a summer working as part of a Jewish Educational Team at Camp Coleman in Georgia. I taught Hebrew and the love of Israel. 


My Post Secondary pursuits took me to the beautiful West Coast and Simon Fraser University, where I completed a bachelor's degree in Cognitive Science and Educational Psychology and then a Master's degree in Educational sociology. 


I am married and have two beautiful children aged 10 and 8, living in the Tri Cities for the past 11 year with our two crazy dogs. 


Professionally, I worked in post secondary institutions doing program development and evaluation and in large non-profit organizations doing community development work,  grant management, program evaluation, volunteer mobilization and stakeholder engagement. 


My hobbies include Yoga and I enjoy teaching it at my home studio to neighbours and friends, painting, making jewelry and reading. 

My plan

I want to become Burquest's next president to help actualize the organization's commitment to the Jewish community of the Tri-Cities and build a prosperous future. 


Vision: Burquest Jewish Community Association serving the needs of all Jews in the tri cities and beyond regardless of their age, ethnic origin, religious practice and home language.  


Diverse programs


  • Religious services and observances through multitude of denominations

  • Life-cycle events 

  • Secular gatherings around Jewish and Israeli holidays and special events  (holiday parties, shabbat dinners, 

  • Programs for kids that help them develop a love of Judaism, Israel and the Hebrew Language  (Hebrew School, Ofek, Dorot)

  • Programs for Youth that help them develop a sense of meaning, connection and service while connecting with other Jewish peers 

  • Social programs for adults that create connections and friendships around special interests (examples, dance classes, cooking classes, movie nights, wine tastings, book clubs, yoga classes, support groups)

  • Strengthen existing social programs for Seniors (singing group, lunch club, monthly outings) 

  • Community outreach programs for people in need of support - new mothers, new immigrants, people experiencing physical or mental illness, people experiencing poverty.

  • Volunteering and engagement programs 


How are we going to accomplish this? 


  1. Diversify funding 

    1. Intentional seeking and utilization of grants from the Jewish and non-Jewish sources 

    2. Purposeful building rental policies 

    3. Fundraising events 

    4. Increasing membership 

  2. Partnerships 

    1. Develop contracts for mutual program delivery with JCCGV and other Jewish serving organizations 

    2. Leverage talent from individuals in the area and establish mutually beneficial collaborations 

    3. Partner with grass-roots, local groups and co-create regional activations 

  3. Capacity 

    1. Hire dedicated positions to help with realizing goals: Child and Youth programmer, Events Coordinator, building manager

    2. Create a diverse, skill-based working board with highly effective sub-committees 

    3. Identify and address operational inefficiencies with streamlined and transparent processes


Relevant Qualifications: 


  1. 15 years experience in leadership positions at Non-profit organizations. Currently a director at a national non-profit working on community development  and community impact

  2. Led the North Shore Hebrew School as Director of Education

  3. On board of Port Coquitlam Community Foundation and familiar with board processes 

  4. Master’s degree in education 

  5. Developmental Leadership Training 

  6. Served in the Israeli Army as an immigrant liaison creating social cross-cultural programs 


Accomplishments as board member


  1. Improved relationship with JCCGV, Federation 

  2. Represented Burquest at multi-agency meetings

  3. Secured multiple grants for the organization

  4. Led the development of children's programs like PRO D camps, Spring Break Camps, holiday parties


My virtual door is always open. feel free to contact me about your ideas for the community 


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